ESTEBAN, MARÍA DE LOS MILAGROS PARANINFO Ref. 9788428344487 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Get Well Soon! is a new method specifi cally tailored to the needs of students studying medical and health professional vocational courses (Ciclos Formativos de la familia profesional de Sanidad).;The content of this course follows the syllabus of these studies. It provides students with the necessa...
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-84-283-4448-7
    • Encuadernación : Rústica
    • Fecha de edición : 01/06/2020
    • Año de edición : 2020
    • Nº de páginas : 282
    Get Well Soon! is a new method specifi cally tailored to the needs of students studying medical and health professional vocational courses (Ciclos Formativos de la familia profesional de Sanidad).;The content of this course follows the syllabus of these studies. It provides students with the necessary basic skills of the English language to help them develop in today?s professional world of health care and services.;With Get Well Soon!, students can practise both the receptive and productive skills of the foreign language ? listening, reading, writing, and speaking ? through up-to-date texts and motivating meaningful activities. The student?s book also includes grammar and vocabulary exercises so that students can use it as a workbook too.;Besides individual and class work, students will also be required to work in teams to search for extra information to expand their knowledge (projects, helpful websites, etc.). Special emphasis is placed on developing oral skills, as communication will be crucial for their professional development.;Key features include;--- Varied topics related to the fi eld of health care.;--- Extensive and specifi c vocabulary work in context.;--- Comprehensive grammar coverage and review charts.;--- Relevant listening materials.;--- Communicative speaking activities.;--- Interesting reading texts from different sources.;--- Varied and useful writing practice.;--- Self-assessment sections in every unit.;--- Warm-up and Just for fun sections.

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